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RadioRock: Huey Lewis & The News - Power Of Love

2011.07.10. 11:21 | Adam Van Helsing | Szólj hozzá!

Most visszaugrunk 1985-be, amikor a Back To The Future a legnagyobb királyság volt (mondjuk ma is az), Huey Lewis számról nem is beszélve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NMph943tsw

The power of love is a curious thing
Make a one man weep, make another man sing
Change a hawk to a little white dove
More than a feeling that's the power of love

Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream
Stronger and harder than a bad girl's dream
Make a bad one good make a wrong one right
Power of love that keeps you home at night

You don't need money, don't take fame
Don't need no credit card to ride this train
It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes
But it might just save your life
That's the power of love
That's the power of love

First time you feel it, it might make you sad
Next time you feel it it might make you mad
But you'll be glad baby when you've found
That's the power makes the world go'round

They say that all in love is fair
Yeah, but you don't care
But you know what to do
When it gets hold of you
And with a little help from above
You feel the power of love
You feel the power of love
Can you feel it ?

Címkék: back to the future huey lewis & the news radiorock power of love

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