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RadioRock: The Rolling Stones - Let's Spend The Night Together

2012.07.12. 13:57 | Adam Van Helsing | Szólj hozzá!

Minden idők egyik leghíresebb (és legjobb) rockbandája, a Rolling Stones ma ünnepli ötvenedik szülinapját - amit valamiért nem egy megakoncerttel, hanem egy megakönyv kiadásával ünnepelnek. Mi ezzel a jó kis számmal járulunk hozzá a bulihoz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAOQkSFTKMw

My, My, My, My
Don't you worry 'bout what's on your mind (Oh my)
I'm in no hurry I can take my time (Oh my)
I'm going red and my tongue's getting tied (tongues' getting tied)
I'm off my head and my mouth's getting dry.
I'm high, But I try, try, try (Oh my)
Let's spend the night together
Now I need you more than ever
Let's spend the night together now

I feel so strong that I can't disguise (oh my)
Let's spend the night together
But I just can't apologize (oh no)
Let's spend the night together
Don't hang me up and don't let me down (don't let me down)
We could have fun just groovin' around around and around
Oh my, my

Let's spend the night together
Now I need you more than ever

You know I'm smiling baby
You need some guiding baby
I'm just deciding baby; now-
I need you more than ever
Let's spend the night together
Let's spend the night together now

This doesn't happen to me ev'ryday (oh my)
Let's spend the night together
No excuses offered anyway (oh my)
Let's spend the night together
I'll satisfy your every need (every need)
And I now know you will satisfy me
Oh my, my, my, my, my
Let's spend the night together
Now I need you more than ever
Let's spend the night together now

Címkék: happy birthday the rolling stones radiorock

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