Bár Warner logó is díszelgett előtte, Christopher Nolan legutóbbi filmje, az Interstellar a Paramount égisze alatt fogja meglátni a napvilágot BD-n, s ez nekünk csak jót jelent.
Mert bár a lemezek valószínűleg ronda egyszínűek lesznek, a tálalásra, a minőségre, az extra kínálatra és az ilyen-olyan királyságos kiszerelésekre bizton nem lesz panaszunk, hiszen a Para ezekben abszolút az élen jár. A minap kiderült, hogy egy óceánnal arrébb március 31-én jelenik meg az űrkaland, minimum kétlemezes formában, IMAX felvételekkel, és egy rakat bónusszal, melyek a következők:
- The Science of Interstellar—Extended cut of the broadcast special.
- Plotting an Interstellar Journey—Discusses the film's origins, influences and narrative designs
- Life on Cooper's Farm—Bringing Americana and the grounded nature of a farm to a sci-fi space movie.
- The Dust—Learn how cast and crew avoided sand blindness, and see how to create, and clean up after, a catastrophic dust storm.
- TARS and CASE—Designing and building these unique characters and how they were brought to life on set and in the film.
- Cosmic Sounds—The concepts, process, and recording of Hans Zimmer's unforgettable score.
- The Space Suits—A look at the design and build of the suits and helmets, and what it was like to wear them.
- The Endurance—Explore this massive set with a guided tour by production designer Nathan Crowley.
- Shooting in Iceland: Miller's Planet/Mann's Planet—Travel with the cast and crew to Iceland and see the challenges they faced in creating two vastly different worlds in one country.
- The Ranger and the Lander—A look at the other two spaceships in the film.
- Miniatures in Space—Marvel at the large-scale models used in the explosive docking sequence.
- The Simulation of Zero-G—Discover the various methods that the filmmakers used to create a zero gravity environment.
- Celestial Landmarks—Explore how the filmmakers used practical special effects informed by real scientific equations to give the illusion of real space travel for both the actors and the audience.
- Across All Dimensions and Time—A look at the concept and design of the Tesseract, which incorporated a practical set rather than a green screen.
- Final Thoughts—The cast and crew reflect back on their Interstellar experience.
- Theatrical Trailers
Természetes lesz fémdoboz, sőt, valami ultrabrutál változat is, s a film hazai sikerét és a Select-et ismerve ezekben (és a magas árakban) mi is részesülhetünk majd.